Saturday, March 23, 2013


Confer on us, O Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified, died and risen. By the power of your Most Precious  Blood, strengthened by your Holy Cross -- help us to put on the Armor of God to combat not only against human forces but against the evil forces of this world and of the regions above who seek the destruction of your Church and the ruin of the souls of men. Help us, O Lord to stand fast with "Truth" as the belt around our waist, "Justice" as our breastplate, and zeal to propagate the "Gospel of Peace" as our footgear.
Lord Jesus Christ, grant us that fullness of faith, firm and immovable as a rock through which we shall vest tranquil and steadfast amidst the crosses, toil, and disappointments of life. A courageous faith which will inspire us to undertake and carry out without hesitation great things for God and for the salvation of souls. A faith which will lead us forth united to enkindle everywhere the fires of your "Divine Love" -- to enlighten those who are in darkness and in the shadow of death; to bring back to life those who are dead in sin and a faith which will in all circumstances be our shield to extinguish the fury and wickedness of the devil.
Teach us, O Lord to have a mind like yours and to wear the helmet of salvation, and to become the sword of the Spirit -- the Word of God. Make us aware to pray reverently at every opportunity in the Spirit; Bless all those who have washed their robes and made them white in the "Most Precious Blood of the Lamb" with the gift of life giving water, so that when the battle of life is over all praise, honor, glory, and thanksgiving may be given to the Most Holy One who is seated on the throne of the Most High and to the Lamb who was slain, forever and ever, Amen. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

PRAYER TO THE BLESSED TRINITY: First Aid for the Human Soul


O Father God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is visible and invisible -- how sweet and liberating it is to know that you are my Father and I am your child.

Above all, when I am depressed and my suffering is truly heavy, I always feel the need to say to you:

Heavenly Father, I believe in your love for me. I believe that you are my Father and that I am your son/daughter. I believe that you love me with an infinite love. I believe that you watch over me day and night and that not a hair on my head falls without your consent -- in accordance with the holy scriptures. I believe that your are infinitely wise -- you know what is best for me. I believe that you are infinitely powerful -- you bring out the good from the bad and you dispose everything for the good of those whom you love.

Behind the hands that wound, I kiss your hands that heal. I believe but please increase my faith. And above all, increase my hope and charity.

Teach me O Lord, to surrender to your "Will" as a child in the hands of his Father. I surrender to you the control of my life and of my whole being. Direct O Lord, my life and my life's journey. From this moment I will live only for you.

Heavenly Father, I believe you know everything, you see everything, you can do everything and you love me truly and infinitely. I believe you know what is best for me and that you know me better that I know myself. So I come to you and with total confidence I beg you -- in the name of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the intercession of the Immaculate Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary, of St. Michael the Archangel and all the Holy Angels and Saints in Heaven -- that you save, heals and free me from all evil.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me. Amen.


"Lord Jesus Christ, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the Word and my soul shall be healed."

Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you sinful and sorrowful. Lord Jesus, you know all my needs, my troubles, and my sufferings -- you know all the things that imprison, torment, and corrupt me. If it be you Holy Will, Lord grant me the grace for which I fervently pray... (Mention your intentions).

Lord Jesus Christ, my sins render me unworthy of your mercy. But your infinite love has saved me. Thank you Lord Jesus for sharing my human life and for dying for me on the Holy Cross. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving humanity especially me -- and with a joyful and grateful heart I make this solemn pledge:  

Lord Jesus Christ, In your most salvific name, I renounce for ever Satan -- any and all allegiance that I may have ever given to the devil through my faults, mistakes, sins, failures, and ignorance. And I bind and reject all of his works, attractions, influences, and empty promises (repeat par. 3x).

Therefore, I confidently proclaim that this body (my body) is the temple of the Holy Spirit -- a body redeemed, cleansed, sanctified and justified by your most precious blood. For such reason, Satan the devil has no power over me nor a place in my heart. I now and for always belong to Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God Almighty Father -- one God for ever and ever, Amen.


O Holy Spirit, in the most salvific name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, in accord to the Will of the Father, through the prayers and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of St. Michael the Archangel, and of all the Holy Angels and Saints in Heaven, and in union with the Holy Catholic Church -- we beg you O Lord, to come to our aid. Come  O Holy Spirit, with your power and put to flight the Hostile forces of Satan. O Holy Spirit, protect us in Faith, Hope, and Charity. 

O Holy  Spirit please come into my heart and with your holy angels take dominion over my senses. Direct my path, O Lord, and enlighten my understanding, cleanse and purify my heart, and make me humble and obedient child of God. Amen.



OUR FATHER (3x)...

GLORY BE (3x). Amen.


O gracious and merciful God, we humbly ask you to bless and sanctify our home and all the members of our family. We humbly offer you our gratitude for all that you have done for us and for all that you have given us -- for the example of family virtues set for us by your own Holy Family. We consecrate ourselves to you: our trials, joys, sorrows, and sufferings in life -- the good times and the bad times of our lives, so that our home may ever be shrine of love, joy, and peace. Please protect and bless each member of our family. Please send to us your Holy Spirit and your Holy Angels to guide and protect us from all forms of dangers, calamities, accidents, diabolical ailments, sin, temptations, and from the wiles and furious wickedness of the devil.

Heavenly Father, please grant us good health and all the graces necessary in our spiritual and temporal welfare and lead us to the everlasting glory in Heaven. We humbly ask this through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever, Amen.


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we beg you to cure the illness from which we suffer. Please heal our wounds, pardon our sins, and banish from us all that torment our body and soul. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, please cover us with your most precious blood and grant us spiritual and physical healing so that through your infinite goodness and mercy: our mind, heart, body, soul and spirit will function the way you created them to function. Grant us, O Lord we pray, through the prayers and intercession of the Immaculate Mother The Blessed Virgin Mary, Amen.


O Lord my God, please send me your Holy Spirit. O Holy Spirit, please cleanse and purify my heart from any sinful desire and worthless thoughts. Please enlighten my mind and banish from me any shadow of doubt and ignorance. Please grant me understanding, wisdom, and knowledge. Strenghten my will  O Lord, and help me in my faith that I may pray and read your Gospel with attention, reverence, and devotion. Please grant me also a contrite, humble, and obedient heart who's willing to listen and follow your instructions -- these I humbly ask through Jesus Christ your Son, my Lord, Amen.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Dear God,
Thank you for giving me my beloved parents, siblings, (spouse and children), relatives, and friends. Please enlighten me so that I may realize the depth of their love for me and the greatness of the sacrifices they have done for me. Look upon them with mercy and reward them for their untiring generosity, love, and care for me. Please grant them good health, joy, peace, and your bountiful grace. Lead them closer to you just as you are doing to me. Deliver  them whenever they are in darkness and draw them into the light of your love. Cast out their cares, anxieties, worries and concerns. Sustain them with your love, mercy, and forgiveness for their transgressions.  And lead them to the everlasting glory of Paradise, Amen.